Brokered Certificate of Deposit Underwriting

Help grow your business with our vast client network

Access more than 43 million investors and 13,500 financial advisory firms1

When you choose Fidelity Capital Markets as one of your certificate of deposit (CD) underwriters, you can leverage our extensive network to help you grow your business. Many of our clients can easily purchase CDs directly at or on our mobile app.

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Retail Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are a funding mechanism used by commercial banks and thrifts to access a dependable source of low cost deposits.

Financial institutions may participate in Retail Brokered CD programs because they are a cost effective and flexible funding source that can complement their other funding options.

Retail CDs are issued in various terms and structures. They are issued on a continuous or periodic basis to help meet a wide range of financing requirements.


  • As a leader in the financial services industry, Fidelity has more than $11.5 trillion in assets under administration, more than 38 million customer accounts and more than 43 million investors.1

  • Helps optimize your deposit-gathering with the extensive distribution capabilities accessible exclusively through Fidelity Capital Markets.

Why Use Brokered CDs?

Talk with us and see how we can help you today.

800.343.2760 or